I know that we brought to the world the Zero. This is not a joke, the number "0" was invented by an Arab.
I saw a whole discussion about it.
Since then, it seems we are all just bringing plenty of more Zeros to this world.
Watch this.

Look at Israel on the map. Tiny!! Look at the Arab countries. HUGE!! Should we ask Israel to give land to the Palestinians? how about the Arab countries? لماذا نحن نطلب من الدولة اليهودية لإعطاء الأرض للفلسطينيين عندما كان العرب والأشقاء الفلسطينيين ، والكثير من الأراضي الفارغة وأنهم لن يعطوا أي شيء. هناك شيئا خطأ هنا.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Supporter of Israel
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Is Boycott on Israel a real option? Let's be serious.
I think that before we make those brave big giant talks about boycotting this country, we have to find alternatives to all it's products.
It will look really hypocritical if we only boycotted what is comfortable for us.
Meanwhile, let's try to do something productive and to make other people in the world adore us rather than be afraid of our terror and culture.
I was looking for some Arab contribution to the world and all I found was this clip...
I was looking for some Arab contribution to the world and all I found was this clip...
The following clip will illustrate what will happen if we decide to just boycott Israel.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
هل لليهود الحق في البناء في القدس؟
We are against the Zionists to build in Jerusalem.
But what do we have the right to say what you should do the Jews in their city the capital of?
They owned the city when we were still in the days of ignorance.
They said 700 times in the Torah. We do not have even one of them mentioned in the Koran.
We have to Mecca, and the Christians and the Vatican. Jerusalem belongs to Jews.
Please tell me if I'm wrong.
But what do we have the right to say what you should do the Jews in their city the capital of?
They owned the city when we were still in the days of ignorance.
They said 700 times in the Torah. We do not have even one of them mentioned in the Koran.
We have to Mecca, and the Christians and the Vatican. Jerusalem belongs to Jews.
Please tell me if I'm wrong.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Summery of Conflict- Easy to understand. السلام في الشرق الأوسط
Simple, short and to the point.
The conflict in the Middle East.
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Most of my people would like to silence me,
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The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
Արաբ իսրայելական հակամարտությունը
Ərəb İsrail münaqişəsi
Arabiar israeldarren gatazkari
Арабскага канфлікту ізраільскія
Арабски израелския конфликт
Conflicte àrab israelià
Sukob Arapski izraelski
Arab izraelský konflikt
Den arabiske israelske konflikt
De Arabische Israëlisch conflict
Araabia Iisraeli konflikti
Ang Arab Salungat Israeli
Arabimaiden Israelin välisen konfliktin
Le conflit israélo-arabe
O conflito israelo árabe
არაბთა ისრაელის კონფლიქტის
Die arabisch-israelischen Konflikt
Οι αραβικές σύγκρουση Ισραήλ
Arab Izraelyen konfli a
הסכסוך הערבי ישראלי
अरब इजरायल संघर्ष
Az arab izraeli konfliktus
Monday, November 8, 2010
Destroying the Arabs since childhood.
Our struggle to achieve peace has to start with education.
With clips like you see below, taking a beautiful baby with amazing capabilities to grasp knowledge and teach him hate and ignorance.
I will tell you that, even if any of us has a problem with Israel or even opposing it's mere existence, cheering a baby that tells you that there is no Israel is beyond just misleading your own child but also not teach them how to cope with something that exist and you disagree with it.
That's why later, those kids grow up thinking of things in black and white.
This must be a reason why you barely see any significant Arab figures in the global intellectual arena but you actually see more of us Arabs in the area of intolerance, hate, ignorance and the performances of the coward act of terrorism.
Accepting that will keep us behind!
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
What others see in the prophet (MPBUH)
I must open and say that I find some of what is said about the prophet (mpbuh) in this website very disturbing I believe that this is just a wrong judgement passed on a person who lived 1,300 years ago in todays standards.
The thing is that this website is out there, whether we like it or not and ignoring it will not solve anything.
Please tell me your opinion in the comments.
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Did the Qur'an promised Israel to the Jews?
Is the Hate towards Israel drives the believers nuts?
Please try to disregards the words said in this video about the Qur'an being Garbage. The speaker only refers to those brothers that if they see that the Qur'an clearly states that Israel belongs to the Jews. Once they will see it, they will have a huge conflict between their believe that the Qur'an and between their hate to the Jews and to the state of Israel.
Also, please disregard the last sentence of that video.
Thank you.
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Organ Harvest from Palestinians- One of the biggest lies!
There was that crazy story about Israel harvesting organs from Palestinian that just died.
The journalist in charge was Mr. Bostrom, a "So Called" Journalist came up with a story according to which the Israeli Army stole body organs from Palestinian bodies.
When asked, Mr. Bostrom provided no evidence what so ever. Instead of apologizing, he actually attacked and said :" This is not my job to provide evidence, I didn't even say that I believe this story". Unbelievable !!
When a soldier or a civilian is being killed in an natural event, such a car accident, work accident of violent death, an autopsy is performed to revel the cause of death.
It's possible that such autopsies were performed in some Palestinian bodies but from there to take organs is a long long road of lies.
A guy comes with an explosive story, that can shake the middle eat and has no evidence at all to support this story except a hearsay from some Palestinian families that had a feeling that it happened 18 years ago?
Come on... Should we expect a little more?
Meanwhile, this story gathers wind and spreads around the Arab world as a complete true. Some added to it that Israel even admitted to do that. Of course, when I asked for some hard evidence, I was answered with waves of nothing.
One of those who spreads this story is Mr. Amer Al Baya on his Facebook page. If you get to talk to him, ask for some evidence. You will see, he will send you some crazy websites about everything else, but no evidence. If he does send anything, Please Send it to me. He wouldn't show me any evidence.
You can find the embarrassing interview that the Swedish "Journalist" gave.
After a long day in which I am asking from MR. Al-Bayya to show a hard evidence for Israel to admit doing such a horrific thing, as he always claimed he had. Or at least to show me a hard evidence to such act, with or without Israel admitting and all I got from him is question about me, and spam on my wall.
Finally, Yassin, another FaceBook user, stepped up and showed me an article that he believed to carry such evidence.
Later he sent me another article that completely refutes the Ali Baba story told me by Al Jazeera.
I wrote the following back to Yassin:
Hi Yassin,
Thank you for finally sending me something with regards to my argument with Amer. It's much smarted to argue with some sort of educated basis and not just spam each other. Thank you for that too.
I read the whole article. I must say that I I didn't see a hard evidence as required in such case of such a horrible accusation.
The article was brought from an Arabic Media than has an obsession against Israel but still, I would like to treat it fairly.
Mr. Amer said that Israel admitted to kill Palestinians and trade with their organs. Till now I didn't see such Israeli admitting.
In the article there is pretty much a repetition of what the "Journalist" said in the interview which is in my blog. That there is no evidence for that story except for the story of the Palestinian families. This is not a sufficient evidence.
It's actually pretty easy to show one.
When an organ is being transplant there is a whole process of documentation of that organ, the DNA sample is taken, blood type and other identifying items that some of them are very exclusive.
In this case, anyone that wants to prove such accusation need to get a order from court to check those records in the US or in Israel or anywhere else where these alleged stolen organs arrived and match it with the DNA of the dead person. Very simple.
But no one ever proved that. so what do we have here?
A cruel and manipulative lie that turns any human's being guts up side down. but this lie has no basis. That's a pure lie that got you trapped in it too.
But think of the damage that this lie is capable of doing to Israel. Just by having so many people just thinking that this is even possible. Look, you even believed in it.
Another thing.
I know the process of in-plant pretty good. It doesn't matter why now.
In order to get the right organ to someone, a person needs to wait years if he ever get an in-plant ever. it's usually done from someone that dies brain death and not someone who is dead for more than a few minutes not talking about hours that any such stealing event would take.
And then comes the extremely hard process of the individual fitting. Israel would ave had to kill thousands of people in the way described to maybe able to harvest one successful organ. Do you think that this is something any state would have done?
Do you think such an elaborate operation would have been silenced in Israel by the people involved?
If you do, you don't know anything about how Israelis society is built.
I know that you will read all I wrote here and you will use your brains. But people like Amer will just continue with this story and Amer is exactly the Lunatics I talked about in my blog.
The journalist in charge was Mr. Bostrom, a "So Called" Journalist came up with a story according to which the Israeli Army stole body organs from Palestinian bodies.
When asked, Mr. Bostrom provided no evidence what so ever. Instead of apologizing, he actually attacked and said :" This is not my job to provide evidence, I didn't even say that I believe this story". Unbelievable !!
When a soldier or a civilian is being killed in an natural event, such a car accident, work accident of violent death, an autopsy is performed to revel the cause of death.
It's possible that such autopsies were performed in some Palestinian bodies but from there to take organs is a long long road of lies.
A guy comes with an explosive story, that can shake the middle eat and has no evidence at all to support this story except a hearsay from some Palestinian families that had a feeling that it happened 18 years ago?
Come on... Should we expect a little more?
Meanwhile, this story gathers wind and spreads around the Arab world as a complete true. Some added to it that Israel even admitted to do that. Of course, when I asked for some hard evidence, I was answered with waves of nothing.
One of those who spreads this story is Mr. Amer Al Baya on his Facebook page. If you get to talk to him, ask for some evidence. You will see, he will send you some crazy websites about everything else, but no evidence. If he does send anything, Please Send it to me. He wouldn't show me any evidence.
You can find the embarrassing interview that the Swedish "Journalist" gave.
Most of my people would like to silence me,
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After a long day in which I am asking from MR. Al-Bayya to show a hard evidence for Israel to admit doing such a horrific thing, as he always claimed he had. Or at least to show me a hard evidence to such act, with or without Israel admitting and all I got from him is question about me, and spam on my wall.
Finally, Yassin, another FaceBook user, stepped up and showed me an article that he believed to carry such evidence.
Later he sent me another article that completely refutes the Ali Baba story told me by Al Jazeera.
I wrote the following back to Yassin:
Hi Yassin,
Thank you for finally sending me something with regards to my argument with Amer. It's much smarted to argue with some sort of educated basis and not just spam each other. Thank you for that too.
I read the whole article. I must say that I I didn't see a hard evidence as required in such case of such a horrible accusation.
The article was brought from an Arabic Media than has an obsession against Israel but still, I would like to treat it fairly.
Mr. Amer said that Israel admitted to kill Palestinians and trade with their organs. Till now I didn't see such Israeli admitting.
In the article there is pretty much a repetition of what the "Journalist" said in the interview which is in my blog. That there is no evidence for that story except for the story of the Palestinian families. This is not a sufficient evidence.
It's actually pretty easy to show one.
When an organ is being transplant there is a whole process of documentation of that organ, the DNA sample is taken, blood type and other identifying items that some of them are very exclusive.
In this case, anyone that wants to prove such accusation need to get a order from court to check those records in the US or in Israel or anywhere else where these alleged stolen organs arrived and match it with the DNA of the dead person. Very simple.
But no one ever proved that. so what do we have here?
A cruel and manipulative lie that turns any human's being guts up side down. but this lie has no basis. That's a pure lie that got you trapped in it too.
But think of the damage that this lie is capable of doing to Israel. Just by having so many people just thinking that this is even possible. Look, you even believed in it.
Another thing.
I know the process of in-plant pretty good. It doesn't matter why now.
In order to get the right organ to someone, a person needs to wait years if he ever get an in-plant ever. it's usually done from someone that dies brain death and not someone who is dead for more than a few minutes not talking about hours that any such stealing event would take.
And then comes the extremely hard process of the individual fitting. Israel would ave had to kill thousands of people in the way described to maybe able to harvest one successful organ. Do you think that this is something any state would have done?
Do you think such an elaborate operation would have been silenced in Israel by the people involved?
If you do, you don't know anything about how Israelis society is built.
I know that you will read all I wrote here and you will use your brains. But people like Amer will just continue with this story and Amer is exactly the Lunatics I talked about in my blog.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Very hard to watch.
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Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2
Most of my people would like to silence me,
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Geert Wilders Speaks: Anti-Koran Film "Fitna" (Part 1 of 2)
Most of my people would like to silence me,
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The Netherlands and Muslims? What happened there?
How did it happen that this small European country. Known for it's hospitality, toleration and good cheese became so vocal about Muslim's tendency for violence.
How did this quite country with no enemies in the world became a place where people speaks out so harshly about Islam?
Is it something in the food they are eating? Is it because of the Muslim's food? Is it because of hatred to the foreigners? I don't think so.
In fact, Middle Eastern food was never as popular, Netherlands are known for their open mindedness but still something happened there.
I am not an expert for Holland but I read a little and found that there are a lot Dutches that are sick and tired of Muslim being intolerable. Of Muslim's behavior The Netherlands towards gay people, woman, Jews and Christians.
Did we again let the wrong people speak on our behalf? Did we again let the ugly face of the blood thirsty Islam raise it's head?
What is our future in the rest of Europe? I saw the violent demonstrations in France, the threats in Sweden and England. When will be wake up?
The Europeans are very patient but they are not stupid.
We will be sorry for the missed opportunity given to us to be part of the civilized world that they have to offer us.
For Muslims that don't like the liberal ways of the Dutches, I call you to leave the Netherlands, go back to your homelands where you can practice your conservative way of life and don't impose your hate on the Europeans. It's not fair to them, It's not fair to us, Modern Muslims that are willing to accept the fact that we are guests.
How did this quite country with no enemies in the world became a place where people speaks out so harshly about Islam?
Is it something in the food they are eating? Is it because of the Muslim's food? Is it because of hatred to the foreigners? I don't think so.
In fact, Middle Eastern food was never as popular, Netherlands are known for their open mindedness but still something happened there.
I am not an expert for Holland but I read a little and found that there are a lot Dutches that are sick and tired of Muslim being intolerable. Of Muslim's behavior The Netherlands towards gay people, woman, Jews and Christians.
Did we again let the wrong people speak on our behalf? Did we again let the ugly face of the blood thirsty Islam raise it's head?
What is our future in the rest of Europe? I saw the violent demonstrations in France, the threats in Sweden and England. When will be wake up?
The Europeans are very patient but they are not stupid.
We will be sorry for the missed opportunity given to us to be part of the civilized world that they have to offer us.
For Muslims that don't like the liberal ways of the Dutches, I call you to leave the Netherlands, go back to your homelands where you can practice your conservative way of life and don't impose your hate on the Europeans. It's not fair to them, It's not fair to us, Modern Muslims that are willing to accept the fact that we are guests.
Most of my people would like to silence me,
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الشعب الفلسطيني. منذ متى؟
Everyone is talking about the Palestinian people. can anyone, please, tell me who was the king / president / leader of the Palestinians in 1904?in 1893? in 1763?
One can tell me what city was the capital of a Palestinian state?
One can tell me what is the religion of the Palestinian people? Lahdja them? (Tone) any holiday specified that was celebrated for several centuries?one can tell me what makes the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat more than Ariel Sharoon? (Arafat was born in Kahir, born Sharon in Palestine.)anyone can explain what was considered a it is a Zionist plot to claim the Palestinian people until there recently?
Please, can anyone stop the nonsense and start to educate us with facts?
One can tell me what city was the capital of a Palestinian state?
One can tell me what is the religion of the Palestinian people? Lahdja them? (Tone) any holiday specified that was celebrated for several centuries?one can tell me what makes the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat more than Ariel Sharoon? (Arafat was born in Kahir, born Sharon in Palestine.)anyone can explain what was considered a it is a Zionist plot to claim the Palestinian people until there recently?
Please, can anyone stop the nonsense and start to educate us with facts?
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Answer to Aamir. 2
Hi Aamir,
This is to answer your second comment.
1. If you ever visit Israel or what is called today the Palestinian territories, you will find places that are either 2000 years old or 100 years old. Not much in the middle. Guess why.
In the middle of the 19ht century there were about 250K people living where today is Israel, Palestinian territories and Jordan. Not the amounts you see there today. The reason it grew so much is because of Immigration, not only on the Jewish side but mainly on the Arab side. A lot of simple employees that came to work on the rail roads built by the Turks in the begining of the 20th century and thereafter when the British mandate came.
There was no "Palestinian" identity till the 60s of the 20th century. In fact , major leaders withing the Arab community that today is called Palestinian said again and again that there is no such thing Palestinian people and that it's a Zionist invention. Read Shukeiri's words (He was the first head of the PLO, before Arafat.)
The Bible, besides being a religious script that is accepted by the majority of the believers in this world is also a Historic documents that it's chronological stories were confirmed time and time again. I was very embarrassed not once when I was present in conferences where Muslim leaders told the audience that there is no proof that Jews ever lived in Israel in the far past. That there is no proof of the temple there. The thing is that educated people like you and me knows its rubbish. but most of Muslims will sit there and drink the "wisdom" coming from that authority Cleric in thirst.
3. Jews were displaces by Romans about 1900 years ago, what does it matter if it wasn't by Arabs if Arabs now are robing the Jewish small piece of land. Take the following example to emphasize my point:
John stole Mustafa's cow and then Mathew came and killed John and took the cow from him.
Mustafa still has the right on his cow, regardless to who is the one hold it now, regardless to who is stronger.
No matter how you turn it. No one in far or close history has rights on that piece of land more than the Jews.
4. All you said about replacing people is not true. People were replaces throughout history and it brought more peace and quite. Look at the population exchange between Turks and Greeks, Between German and Polish, between Pakistan and India and many other places. Either way, we are not talking about huge quantities of people or case of people with no land. The Jews has no country of their own to go to. The Arabs has 21 of them. Look above on the map.
5.I don't know where you get your history but this is all wrong.
Let's start with the fact that most Arabs that left Israel during the 48 war did it because their leaders instructed them to do so, not because of the Zionists.
The Zionist leadership accepted a plan to share the land between the Jordan revere and the Mediterranean see between the Arabs and the Jews but the Arabs said no to it and opened a war on the week community of Jews, holocaust survivors that lived in Israel. Those are facts.
Arabs concord some Jewish villages and slaughtered all the Jews that were there (See Gush Etsion, Yad Mordekhay, Tel Hay and more).
6.Israel was not the aggressor in 67. It was the Arabs. Israel then took over land that was always through History Jewish land. It is called Judea and Samaria. Guess where the word Jewish came from? (Answer: Judea)
The settlement that were built on this small piece of land are just rebuilding of old Jewish villages that were there before.
7.In the Palestinian deceleration of goals, till now, there is the goal of establishing one Arab country all over Israel.
Almost no Arab county is willing to recognize Israel as the land of the Jewish people. Israel is recognizing all the Arab countries as Arab countries. Who is the one who doesn't want to progress to peace here?
If Arabs really want to solve this conflict. The territorial argument shouldn't even be on the table. Look at the map above. Most of the land you see in the Arabic countries that "Support" so much the Palestinian cause are empty. Why can't each give some land to the "poor Palestinian" or compensate Israel for land it will give away? It will not matter to those countries at all. But this is not a territorial dispute. It's all about clearing the middle east from the Jews. Let's admit it.
This is to answer your second comment.
1. If you ever visit Israel or what is called today the Palestinian territories, you will find places that are either 2000 years old or 100 years old. Not much in the middle. Guess why.
In the middle of the 19ht century there were about 250K people living where today is Israel, Palestinian territories and Jordan. Not the amounts you see there today. The reason it grew so much is because of Immigration, not only on the Jewish side but mainly on the Arab side. A lot of simple employees that came to work on the rail roads built by the Turks in the begining of the 20th century and thereafter when the British mandate came.
There was no "Palestinian" identity till the 60s of the 20th century. In fact , major leaders withing the Arab community that today is called Palestinian said again and again that there is no such thing Palestinian people and that it's a Zionist invention. Read Shukeiri's words (He was the first head of the PLO, before Arafat.)
The Bible, besides being a religious script that is accepted by the majority of the believers in this world is also a Historic documents that it's chronological stories were confirmed time and time again. I was very embarrassed not once when I was present in conferences where Muslim leaders told the audience that there is no proof that Jews ever lived in Israel in the far past. That there is no proof of the temple there. The thing is that educated people like you and me knows its rubbish. but most of Muslims will sit there and drink the "wisdom" coming from that authority Cleric in thirst.
3. Jews were displaces by Romans about 1900 years ago, what does it matter if it wasn't by Arabs if Arabs now are robing the Jewish small piece of land. Take the following example to emphasize my point:
John stole Mustafa's cow and then Mathew came and killed John and took the cow from him.
Mustafa still has the right on his cow, regardless to who is the one hold it now, regardless to who is stronger.
No matter how you turn it. No one in far or close history has rights on that piece of land more than the Jews.
4. All you said about replacing people is not true. People were replaces throughout history and it brought more peace and quite. Look at the population exchange between Turks and Greeks, Between German and Polish, between Pakistan and India and many other places. Either way, we are not talking about huge quantities of people or case of people with no land. The Jews has no country of their own to go to. The Arabs has 21 of them. Look above on the map.
5.I don't know where you get your history but this is all wrong.
Let's start with the fact that most Arabs that left Israel during the 48 war did it because their leaders instructed them to do so, not because of the Zionists.
The Zionist leadership accepted a plan to share the land between the Jordan revere and the Mediterranean see between the Arabs and the Jews but the Arabs said no to it and opened a war on the week community of Jews, holocaust survivors that lived in Israel. Those are facts.
Arabs concord some Jewish villages and slaughtered all the Jews that were there (See Gush Etsion, Yad Mordekhay, Tel Hay and more).
6.Israel was not the aggressor in 67. It was the Arabs. Israel then took over land that was always through History Jewish land. It is called Judea and Samaria. Guess where the word Jewish came from? (Answer: Judea)
The settlement that were built on this small piece of land are just rebuilding of old Jewish villages that were there before.
7.In the Palestinian deceleration of goals, till now, there is the goal of establishing one Arab country all over Israel.
Almost no Arab county is willing to recognize Israel as the land of the Jewish people. Israel is recognizing all the Arab countries as Arab countries. Who is the one who doesn't want to progress to peace here?
If Arabs really want to solve this conflict. The territorial argument shouldn't even be on the table. Look at the map above. Most of the land you see in the Arabic countries that "Support" so much the Palestinian cause are empty. Why can't each give some land to the "poor Palestinian" or compensate Israel for land it will give away? It will not matter to those countries at all. But this is not a territorial dispute. It's all about clearing the middle east from the Jews. Let's admit it.
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Answer to Aamir 1.
Dear Aamir,
I read your comments and I think that without the small details, the picture that you are presenting is a typical one. The details gives you the truth.
You called Yahya Ayash a "Hamas Activist" as if the guy went to the boys scouts and just happened to kill over 160 CIVILIANS, most of them are little kids and their mothers but all civilians. Who was he fighting this "Hamas Activist"? Come on, he is a despised Terrorist and if we, as Muslims, continue with this ambiguous language, we shouldn't be surprised being condemned all the time for being people of Terror.
Barukh Goldstein, on the other hand, was not an activist. He was a Medical doctor who lived in the city of Hebron, one of the most ancient Jewish cities that was once the Jewish kingdom's capital city. He witnessed countless terror victims in their last breath of life, it flipped his mind and he did his Terror attack. His people don't call him a "Patriot Activist" they outcast him. That's where the Jews are so much better than us.
Is Yahya Ayash outcast? Not even amongst those who are called moderate! This is why we are losing. We became a blood thirsty society and we are finding the justification for those murderers in the Quran.
I was talking about the Muslims in the Middle east. Maybe in India the Muslims are different.
Thank you for bringing Sabra and Shatila to this discussion about the morality of the IDF.
This is one of the proofs of how pure this army is. But you wouldn't know that unless you knew the details. I would highly recommend you to read a reliable text about Sabra and Shatila.
The IDF was not involved in it at all, except for the intervention that he took on himself to stop the killing in the camps after 36 hours of the Arab Christian Phalanges in the camps.
In any other scenario, this killing of Arabs by Arabs would have continued for weeks if not months and years (Dar-fur, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and more examples) but thanks to the IDF it was stopped within 36 hours.
Not even one victim from those camps was killed by an Israeli soldier. This is a fact.
It's almost a joke say that Israel was the aggressor in 1967. Look at the map, Lille Israel would like to start a war against 5 different armies all at once? what is wrong with your thinking process. I know it was a painful defeat for the Arab world by a state they thought they could kick it's ass in a week.
There are no proofs or serious suspicions of what you claimed about Israel proliferation WMD.
There was some sort of cooperation in the military side between Israel and S.A. but this was due to the fact that Israel was betrayed by most of African countries back in 1973.
Again, putting Israel in the same line with Nazi Germany and USSR is a known propaganda used by the lowest level Jew Haters. There is no basis what so ever to compare.
Israel has more civil freedom than the US and most of European states let alone any of the Muslim countries. Muslim, Jews and Christians in Israel are all citizens with full rights and allowed to practice and believe whatever they want. No concentration camps or death camps are anywhere in Israel, in fact the problem is that there are too easy with the criminal judgment just to make sure that it won't be too much suffering.
I think that we are those who shuts our eyes and not the American. Americans, like Israelis and Europeans, has the right to say something that is not the common belief or the usual opinion freely. Can you same that this is the same in the Islamic world? I can send you some of the "blessings" I got to prove you. Each one of them just stresses the need for a large reform in our traditions and our society.
I read your comments and I think that without the small details, the picture that you are presenting is a typical one. The details gives you the truth.
You called Yahya Ayash a "Hamas Activist" as if the guy went to the boys scouts and just happened to kill over 160 CIVILIANS, most of them are little kids and their mothers but all civilians. Who was he fighting this "Hamas Activist"? Come on, he is a despised Terrorist and if we, as Muslims, continue with this ambiguous language, we shouldn't be surprised being condemned all the time for being people of Terror.
Barukh Goldstein, on the other hand, was not an activist. He was a Medical doctor who lived in the city of Hebron, one of the most ancient Jewish cities that was once the Jewish kingdom's capital city. He witnessed countless terror victims in their last breath of life, it flipped his mind and he did his Terror attack. His people don't call him a "Patriot Activist" they outcast him. That's where the Jews are so much better than us.
Is Yahya Ayash outcast? Not even amongst those who are called moderate! This is why we are losing. We became a blood thirsty society and we are finding the justification for those murderers in the Quran.
I was talking about the Muslims in the Middle east. Maybe in India the Muslims are different.
Thank you for bringing Sabra and Shatila to this discussion about the morality of the IDF.
This is one of the proofs of how pure this army is. But you wouldn't know that unless you knew the details. I would highly recommend you to read a reliable text about Sabra and Shatila.
The IDF was not involved in it at all, except for the intervention that he took on himself to stop the killing in the camps after 36 hours of the Arab Christian Phalanges in the camps.
In any other scenario, this killing of Arabs by Arabs would have continued for weeks if not months and years (Dar-fur, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and more examples) but thanks to the IDF it was stopped within 36 hours.
Not even one victim from those camps was killed by an Israeli soldier. This is a fact.
It's almost a joke say that Israel was the aggressor in 1967. Look at the map, Lille Israel would like to start a war against 5 different armies all at once? what is wrong with your thinking process. I know it was a painful defeat for the Arab world by a state they thought they could kick it's ass in a week.
There are no proofs or serious suspicions of what you claimed about Israel proliferation WMD.
There was some sort of cooperation in the military side between Israel and S.A. but this was due to the fact that Israel was betrayed by most of African countries back in 1973.
Again, putting Israel in the same line with Nazi Germany and USSR is a known propaganda used by the lowest level Jew Haters. There is no basis what so ever to compare.
Israel has more civil freedom than the US and most of European states let alone any of the Muslim countries. Muslim, Jews and Christians in Israel are all citizens with full rights and allowed to practice and believe whatever they want. No concentration camps or death camps are anywhere in Israel, in fact the problem is that there are too easy with the criminal judgment just to make sure that it won't be too much suffering.
I think that we are those who shuts our eyes and not the American. Americans, like Israelis and Europeans, has the right to say something that is not the common belief or the usual opinion freely. Can you same that this is the same in the Islamic world? I can send you some of the "blessings" I got to prove you. Each one of them just stresses the need for a large reform in our traditions and our society.
Most of my people would like to silence me,
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
The glorified Palestinian people.
Everybody talks about Palestinian people. Can anyone, PLEASE, tell me who was the king/president/leader of the Palestinians in 1904?
in 1893? In 1763?
Could anyone tell me what was the Palestinian state's capital city?
Can anyone tell me what is the religion of the Palestinian people? their lahdja?(Dialect) any specific holydays that they have been celebrating for centuries?
Can anyone tell me what makes Yasser Arafat a palestinian more than Arial Sharoon? (Arafat was born in Kahir, Sharon was born in Palestine.)
Can anyone explain why it was considered a Zionist conspiracy to claim there is a Palestinian people till recently?
Please, can anyone stop the Bullshit and start educating us with facts?
The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
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Az arab izraeli konfliktus
Konflik Arab Israel
in 1893? In 1763?
Could anyone tell me what was the Palestinian state's capital city?
Can anyone tell me what is the religion of the Palestinian people? their lahdja?(Dialect) any specific holydays that they have been celebrating for centuries?
Can anyone tell me what makes Yasser Arafat a palestinian more than Arial Sharoon? (Arafat was born in Kahir, Sharon was born in Palestine.)
Can anyone explain why it was considered a Zionist conspiracy to claim there is a Palestinian people till recently?
Please, can anyone stop the Bullshit and start educating us with facts?
The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
Արաբ իսրայելական հակամարտությունը
Ərəb İsrail münaqişəsi
Arabiar israeldarren gatazkari
Арабскага канфлікту ізраільскія
Арабски израелския конфликт
Conflicte àrab israelià
Sukob Arapski izraelski
Arab izraelský konflikt
Den arabiske israelske konflikt
De Arabische Israëlisch conflict
Araabia Iisraeli konflikti
Ang Arab Salungat Israeli
Arabimaiden Israelin välisen konfliktin
Le conflit israélo-arabe
O conflito israelo árabe
არაბთა ისრაელის კონფლიქტის
Die arabisch-israelischen Konflikt
Οι αραβικές σύγκρουση Ισραήλ
Arab Izraelyen konfli a
הסכסוך הערבי ישראלי
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Az arab izraeli konfliktus
Konflik Arab Israel
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Is Hamas a terrorist organization?
It's an irony but most of those who supports a Palestinian state established on Jewish land will say it's not a terrorist organization? I believe that those who say that only hold this opinion since it's the opposite of the Israeli opinion.
I am taking it as an insult to the intelligence and more than that a cruelty towards thousands of oppressed Palestinians who are subject to the atrocities of that regime.
What about all the Palestinians that were murdered or crippled for life by the merciless thugs of Hamas?
What about the civilians being used as live shelter for the terrorists activities?
When Israel was rightfully defending itself going after the Hamas in Gaza, I saw People protesting in the world against that while in the streets of Ramallah, Jenine and Gaza, people were praying for the eradication of Hamas.
This hypocrisy has to end. Please watch the short clip made by a local Palestinian explaining the life under Hamas.
The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
Արաբ իսրայելական հակամարտությունը
Ərəb İsrail münaqişəsi
Arabiar israeldarren gatazkari
Арабскага канфлікту ізраільскія
Арабо-Израйльский Конфликт
Conflicte àrab israelià
Sukob Arapski izraelski
Arab izraelský konflikt
Den arabiske israelske konflikt
De Arabische Israëlisch conflict
Araabia Iisraeli konflikti
Ang Arab Salungat Israeli
Arabimaiden Israelin välisen konfliktin
Le conflit israélo-arabe
O conflito israelo árabe
არაბთა ისრაელის კონფლიქტის
Die arabisch-israelischen Konflikt
Οι αραβικές σύγκρουση Ισραήλ
Arab Izraelyen konfli a
הסכסוך הערבי ישראלי
अरब इजरायल संघर्ष
Az arab izraeli konfliktus
Konflik Arab Israel
I am taking it as an insult to the intelligence and more than that a cruelty towards thousands of oppressed Palestinians who are subject to the atrocities of that regime.
What about all the Palestinians that were murdered or crippled for life by the merciless thugs of Hamas?
What about the civilians being used as live shelter for the terrorists activities?
When Israel was rightfully defending itself going after the Hamas in Gaza, I saw People protesting in the world against that while in the streets of Ramallah, Jenine and Gaza, people were praying for the eradication of Hamas.
This hypocrisy has to end. Please watch the short clip made by a local Palestinian explaining the life under Hamas.
The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
Արաբ իսրայելական հակամարտությունը
Ərəb İsrail münaqişəsi
Arabiar israeldarren gatazkari
Арабскага канфлікту ізраільскія
Арабо-Израйльский Конфликт
Conflicte àrab israelià
Sukob Arapski izraelski
Arab izraelský konflikt
Den arabiske israelske konflikt
De Arabische Israëlisch conflict
Araabia Iisraeli konflikti
Ang Arab Salungat Israeli
Arabimaiden Israelin välisen konfliktin
Le conflit israélo-arabe
O conflito israelo árabe
არაბთა ისრაელის კონფლიქტის
Die arabisch-israelischen Konflikt
Οι αραβικές σύγκρουση Ισραήλ
Arab Izraelyen konfli a
הסכסוך הערבי ישראלי
अरब इजरायल संघर्ष
Az arab izraeli konfliktus
Konflik Arab Israel
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