Monday, October 11, 2010

Islam was kidnapped by lunatics

And most Muslims are suffering of the Stockholm Syndrome. 

To those who don't know how Islam came to this world, or more like, how it was a great light in a dark age of the Arabian peninsula. Where when one tribe would overcome another, all men would have been slaughtered and women raped to submission, came The Prophet Mohamed, (mpbuh), and offered a different approach. He taught mercy to be a value that Allah gives and we should go by. He redeemed the Jahiliah from the darkness of bloodshed and tyranny into a world where compassion and knowledge are valuable. Otherwise, who would have followed him.

These days, Islam is being  presented to the world by bunch of bloody terrorists, who present to the world Jahiliah and call it Islam.
They forgot the main path and invented new ideals that were never crossed the prophet's mind.
Where does it say that we have to kill people from other faiths? Kill their children, make that our "Holy war"
Since when Jerusalem is the main city?
Since when is it that we are teaching our men how to slap their wife, to keep them in order and we call it religion teaching?
Or telling stories about Jews that are killing Palestinians in order to harvest their organs. A lie with no basis.

The hate we have to Christians and Jews is not a godly thing. This is Satanic act. But this became the core of our religion, or at least how it is being presented so efficiently and effectively by our kidnappers.

Look at what Christianity is doing in the world today, the Missionaries are leaders and pathfinders in helping the most suffering places in the world.
Look at the Jews that everybody loves to hate, they are leaders in almost any progress and innovative thought, be it technological, spiritual or moral.

When a Jew perform an act of Terror, and its not that often, he is being completely out-casted from his community, We name streets after slaughterers of our faith.

Anyone who reads the above lines probably think: "How bad Bin-Laden and Nasseralla makes Muslims look like".
But NO!!
 My main point here is at those quite and "peaceful" Muslim we all are or we all know. The one behind the counter in the Supermarket, The health provider, the sports professional and the great neighbor who just happened to be a Muslim.
Their silence, our silence is what allows those kidnappers raise their ugly heads and represent us.

When Israel is fighting Terrorists from Gaza or from the Hezbollah. I want to see people in the streets supporting Israel not the Hamas. What kind of a message we give the world?

Let's not be the hostage who fell in love in their kidnapper. Let's take pride in our heritage and not allow terrorists paint our faces in false paints.


  1. Finally an Arab who speaks clearly.
    Gives hope to us all

  2. Finally someone who looks in the mirror and sees the truth. Show the world Islam is a beautiful faith. Everyone who doesn't want violence, speak up please no matter from what religion, race, nation etc...

  3. and btw.. where do u get that "when a jew performs act of terror, he is outcast in his society". look at so called IDF, to which I like to call ITF (Israeli terror forces). the number of people they have killed is no where comparable to killings of AQ. not only that, Israel was instrumental in supplying weapons of mass destruction to apartheid south africa and various other states. so much of civilized act?

  4. Hi Aamir,

    I appreciate your candidness and positiveness to be open minded, We are losing the battle for the hearts of this world because of Hezbollah and Hamas and we have a chance because of people like you.
    Having said that, I would like to give you the specific example of what I referred to and explain some misconceptions that you carry with you.

    There was a Jew, named Dr. Barukh Goldstein, he is the terrorist I am talking about and you can read about his story online. After murdering 29 Prayers in the Masjid, he was killed by the surviving Muslims. It took his family two weeks to bury his body since no Jewish cemetery would accept his body. you can read more at :

    When Israel killed Yahya Ayash, the Hamas activist who killed over 160 Israelis, mostly woman and little kids, Arafat named the main street of Ramalla after him. See more at:

    The IDF is by no means a terror organization. It is one of the most moral armies in the world, if not the most moral one.
    It doesn't aim towards killing civilians and the fact is that the amount of civilians being heart by it is minimal in light of the fact that the Hamas and other terrorist organization are doing their best to use civilians as their shield.
    Not calling Hamas a Terror organization is a disgrace and an insult to thousands of Palestinians that are still oppressed under it's regime. Check this out :

    One last thing, Israel did not supply the Apartheid with mass distruction weapons. It's true that Israel was isolated after 1973 war and most of the African countries which received so much aid from Israel in Humanitarian and agriculture help. Israel had no choice but to get some of it's essential needs from countries that were not the finest in the neighborhood.

    Hope you learn the truth instead of be stuck on shallow rummers.

  5. I dont want to go in detail about the examples you are giving. but one thing is sure.. both things are different. one was Hamas activist- fighting for his country's freedom, and other was killing innocents in mosques. There is no doubt that most of Jews or as a matter of fact Israelis are intelligent and peace loving people, and thus you can see the reaction in case of Barukh Goldstein. But these types of examples are found every where.. it is not something specific to Israel. In India, many terrorists have been denied burial in Muslim cemeteries by Indian Muslims.

    Regarding IDF.. sorry buddy, but facts say otherwise. be it Sabra and Chatilla, or the aggressiveness of Israel in 1967, or be it Intifadas, daily check point, IDF has proved itself to be most immoral and inhuman army. I would call them mercenaries of death.

    Regarding supply of WMD's to south africa by Israel- I will just Quote Wikipedia- "In September 1979, a double flash over the Indian Ocean detected by a U.S. satellite was suspected of being a South African nuclear test, in collaboration with Israel (this event is known as the Vela Incident)."

    "According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, in 1977 Israel traded 30 grams of tritium for 50 tons of South African uranium and in the mid-80s assisted with the development of the RSA-3 ballistic missile."


    "According to The Guardian, the documents were associated with an Israeli offer to sell South Africa nuclear weapons in 1975"

    If you wanna close your eyes like americans do, then it is your choice. But History is already judging and will judge israel on par with Nazi germany and Stalin's USSR.

  6. A Quick glance about situation of the conflict

    1. Was Palestine "a land without people for a people"
    Ans- No, there existed cities with people in it having their own peculiar culture and well connected to world.

    2. Is Israel a land only for Jews.
    Ans- No, religious scriptures like Bible cannot be a base for any legal argument in modern world.

    3. Were Jews displaced.
    Ans- Yes, but not by muslims or Arabs. they were displaced by romans.

    4. Can any event which occurred 2000 years ago be a basis of displacement of about million people.
    Ans- No, if this is the case, then world will enter into caos. Aryans of India (like me) and Iran came from central Asia and eastern europe some 5000 years ago, but now I cannot go back and displaces people living there.

    5. Are Arabs aggressors, and Jews victims.
    Ans- Arabs are not aggressors, what happened in 1948 was a natural reaction of those who were kicked out of there homes and whose country was divided against their wish. But what happened onwards, shows Israelis as aggressors who were aggressors in every wars since 1956 (except in 1973 when Egypt attacked Sinai- which was under israeli occupation. with millions of arabs as refuges and their land under israeli control, Arabs are victims.

    6. Does Israel wants to return the land which it occupied when it attacked arab countries in 1967?
    Ans- No, has israel been serious, it would not bother to build infrastructures and settlements in occupied territories of West Bank- which btw, is against International Law.

    7. Do Arabs want to through every Jew into Mediterranean?
    Ans- No, since 1988, the official stand of PLO is Palestinian territories on what was pre 1967 status. PLO has already recognized Israel officially in 1993, while Israel 'will' work to build a viable palestinian state. Arabs have also echoed this stand-- see King Abdullah's 4 point proposal of 2002. Once Palestinian state is formed on pre-67 borders, all arab states will recognize Israel's right to exist.


    Now it does not look to me that Arabs are on wrong path. They are just fighting for their country. and independent fighters are always called terrorist by aggressor country. Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Mandela all were called terrorists. similarly Hamas, but in reality they are the real heroes in this fight against aggression and oppression.

  7. *ignore the typing errors there are many.

    some corrections

    -- caos= chaos
    -- has israel been serious= had israel been serious

  8. Hi Aamir.

    My comment couldn't fit here so you will have to read it on the following post:

    by the way, I have no problem with confused letters in your comments. my problem is with contused facts.

  9. "Where when one tribe would overcome another, all men would have been slaughtered and women raped to submission."

    Wait a minute, that is EXACTLY what Mohamed did, overcoming neighbouring tribes, slaughtering all men, raping and ensleving women and children.
    Jahiliah is same lie as Israel selling palestinian organs. Arabs before islam were just normal people like anyone else that time. There were christians and jews among them, Mohamed ordered to exterminate all of them. Islam brought to Arabs ideology, that ordered them to conquer all world in the name of Allah. Islam, teachings of Quran and Mohamed, made Arabs/muslims conqistadors of 1/3 of the world, but didnt make them less barbaric. Pieces of culture stolen from christianity and conqured civilisations, thats is only good islam can flaunt. But islam gave nothing good to mankind on its own.

    See about Mohamed You are inteligent person, try to prove it wrong or submit it. Hope I will hear more from you soon.

  10. Dear Mr. Fosh.
    I agree with you that we should be able to look at the Prophet's (MPBUH) action in a criticizing eye and things needs to be discussed freely.
    I completely agree that the Islam as is being presented today by most, if not all of the Imams is a fanatic fascist and sick ideology. Christianity was once like that too but involved into something much more positive. This was also something I wrote there.

    As of now, Islam is viewed as a threat in Europe and I must say that not only that it's true but I believe that most Europeans has no clue of how dangerous Islam becomes once it has enough people in a community (check it, more than 10% Muslims in a community, and you got some religious unrest there.)
    I will review your website and if I will find it interesting, even if I don't agree with it, I will put it on my blog. Because I believe in open discussion and will allow to publish on my blog also opinions that are not mine. As long as I find it interesting enough.

    Can I ask you to also pass my website amongst your crowed? Your point of view as a European is extremely interesting to me.


  11. Thank you Mr. Harouf. I am waiting for your answer to my coment, I am really interested in your thoughts. But I dont agree, Christianity was never the same, Jesus Christ was a good person and his teachnig in Evangelium is good and never was different. Do you know this verse from Bible? How do you understand it?

    Thank you. I like to discuss with you. I have met many muslim but none among them was tolerant and interested in finding a truth like you.

  12. Dear Mr. Fosh.
    Jesus was a Prophet for us too. We never said that he was not a good person but people who were the holders of Christianity later did horrible things to other believers.
    Did you hear about the Inquisition in Span, Portugal, Italy and south America?
    Did you hear about what the crusaders did to the Jews on their way to conquer the holly land?
    Those act were done by what was then considered the only Christian authority.
    What I am saying is that todays Islamic authority is no different than what Christianity was 500 years ago.
    As for your website. I disagree with a lot of the fact that are being translated wrongly there but I think it is important to put it on my blog to allow people to comment on it freely.

    Please sign up to my blog and publish it with your comments. I will allow it in.


  13. Of course I have heard about crusades. Everyone learns about it at school. Interestingly, the same thing about islam, 270 milion victims of islamic crusades are not mentioned in history clases. Why? Because muslim dont want to be reminded of bad facts about islam. Even if you are allowed to say that muslims did something wrong, like are you saying, it's beyound imagination to say that islam itself did something wrong.

    Those crusades had nothing in common with christianity. You fing nothing in Jesus and his teaching that can be interpreted in that way. You find o lot of support of violence against non muslimg in Quran, hadith and Sira. Inqisition is not from Jesus and Evangelium, Sharia - as bad as inqisition, IS from Mohamed and Quran. This is the difference between Christianity and Islam and the reason, why Christianity was reformed many times and islam cannot be reformed.

    I have no website, only FB profile. I met you in my Group, I am from Czech republic and Mrs;) The page with the challenge is Mr. Ali Sina's, I found it interesting and undeniable. I would be happy if you could prove Mr. Sina wrong and the truth was on your side.

  14. I just posted it.

    Please pass my blog on by publishing it in your Facebook wall. Opinions like yours are very important although I tend not to agree with you.

  15. I've posted your blog on my wall already. I'm looking forward for your opinions about the challenge, feel free to take as many time as you need to collect evidence that Ali Sina is wrong. I've noticed you wrote "we should be able to look at the Prophet's (MPBUH) action in a criticizing eye" isn't this considered blasphemy? Allah choose Mohamed as the LAST prophet and best among the people, no space for God to be wrong.

  16. Dear Mrs. Fosh.
    I have reviewed the website of the Ex-Muslim, Mr. Sina.
    I was very interested in some of the things he wrote and I actually agree with part of it. Especially with the way he describes the threats from the Modern Islam.
    I am not going to be one of my Muslim readers that are usually not getting to the depth of thing but rather try to read more and more about it so to learn and if I disagree, I will make my opinion known on the blog.
    Just a little remark for something you said.
    I didn't say that we are looking at the Prophet (mpbuh) in critical eye, I said it should be possible. This has nothing to do with my full conviction that God has to be perfect. We do not take Mohammed (mpbuh) as you take Jesus (mpbuh), as a God. We view Mohammed (mpbuh) as a messenger, as a prophet but not as a God.
    If you read your bible, you will find that prophets before him, as good as their intentions were, still made human mistakes. Moses, David and others.
    Thank you.

  17. Heavy discussion over here. I agree on the fact that christianity was cruel too, but 500 till 80 years ago. But we can't forget that christianity was forced to the Europeans and many of them don't believe in God anymore because of secularism, which isn't a bad thing. I predict this will happen to Islam too, once the Islamic countries become a secular countries, the number of muslims will decrease. Government shouldn't get involved with how religions work.

  18. I wish I could tell you that I could tell you that I agree with you but I believe that you are wrong.
    If in the past traditionalism was the major force in the Islamic world then these days we are witnessing a rise of religion zeal which comes to replace the old ways of the traditionalism.
    Unlike what happened in the Christian wold where people were striving to learn more about science and other secular areas, this was their way to get away from traditionalism and religion this is not what happens in Islam. Name to me 4 Muslim scientists. You will fail, this is not the path that Muslim follow. Unfortunately.

  19. I really don't know. Do you know some?

  20. Well, this extreme line Islam has infiltrated into European society and the Europeans are just numb to this invasion.
    60-70 years ago, the most horrific act of barbarism took place in Europe by those who were considered to be the leaders of classic cultural Europe. They almost completely eradicated the Jews. A people of peaceful innovative people, hard working and dignified. People that education is the first thing in their priorities.
    All that to replace them with lazy third world fanatics. I am sorry that I am talking like that about some of my own people but they make me look bad and I have to point them out.

  21. Europe won't forget this horrific act done in World War II. You have no idea how often we, natives of Holland or Europe, hear about the Holocaust at school. I've been to a concentration camp here in Holland, so how can i deny there was no Holocaust. As well everyone knows the stories of Anne Frank and many others who haven't survived the concentration camps.

  22. Sorry if you misunderstood me.
    I was not saying or implying anything in that direction. True European are not Holocaust deniers. At least not in general.
    In fact, Arabs are those who are known in putting doubts in the Holocaust often. Read my blog about Hitler and what the Arabic version of Wikipedia has to say about him and you will see what I mean.

  23. Unfortunately, the Arab leadership in Palestine joined forces with Hitler during world war II and this is very shameful.
    I believe that most Arabs just don't know who Hitler was.
    See my article about it, it's interesting and you can check it yourself with Google translate.
