Monday, February 7, 2011

Holocaust Deniers thrive in Arab Society. Why?

I keep corresponding back and forth with other Muslims and Arabs online. Most of them are people that respond to my blog, some are from Facebook.
Every time, I find myself shocked by the wide spread disbelief of what happened to the Jews during WW2. What the Jews call the Holocaust.
If any of you ever read my blog about what an Arab reader will find about Hitler when they look his name up on Wikipedia, it will not be surprising to you but my stomach is turning every time I am getting those stupid remarks from brother Muslim.

Please read what Mr. Hafid Soft wrote me. Don't hassitate to share your thoughts and I will make sure to pass it on to him.

Thank you:

Hafid Soft February 7 at 10:49am Report
israel army have never fight alone, it is always supported by others, israel have not enough soldiers, not enough money, not enough army... it have others only who fight in his name;
juses have never run from arabic country, not from tunis, not morocco neither egypt..., they have run from europ before, and wehave keep him with us, they have same conditions in our arabic world, but when they become powerful they change against arab, and take palestine and make ware with arabic country,

theire was no holocaust, theire was juses in the Hitler army and between Deutch society, only juses when they say that Germany is loser they change the position like what they do with islamic country, all known deutch juses have run from germany just befor the end of the second ware.

maybe when you write you write the reality, not write us a israel lover.


  1. You are naive if you think this guy will ever change his mind or admit his ignorance. He is a lost soul. What has to be done is to encourage those who are still open minded and those who are willing to open their heart. And this is exactly what you are doing with your blog...

  2. Thank you for your worm words. I will never be tired to fight ignorance and racism.
