Saturday, October 9, 2010

The rights on the land- by birth?

Jews and Muslims claim their right on the holy-land.
Jews base their right on historical facts that has no serious scholars to doubt about their ancestor's origin and the continuance of the Jewish settlement since. The fact that all three Monotheistic religions confirms it in the historic evidence only makes this claim more evident.

Muslims trust the fact that there are a lot of Muslims in the Middle-East and what seems to be a continuance of Muslim/Arab habitat in the area since the Profit Mohammed, peace be upon him, about one thousand and three hundred years ago.

The funny thing is that most Jews are not posing any claim for exclusive ownership on the holy-land although they have the military power to impose one while the Arabs want a "Jew-free Palestine". Surely with no access to the holy places.

Another interesting note is the historic and anthropological fact that till about 1860, the holly-land was a bare land with barely any people living in it. Most of the areas of the Galilee and north of Jerusalem were Aramaic speakers and Samaritans that either converted to Islam later or kicked out of the place.
With the new opportunities opened up in the area, waves of simple employees immigrated from other Arab countries and created what today we call "The Palestinian People."

Either way, any claim of those newly coming immigrants for any territorial demands on Israeli land will be properly answered with a Jewish claim over land that was inhabitant by Jews centuries before any Arabic speaker was present.

An old Jew who came to Israel from Iraq once told me that his family was in Iraq since Babylonian times. Two Thousand Five Hundred years ago (!!!). Much earlier than any of the Arab speaking Jahilia even were known anywhere.

How strong any "Palestinian" claim on the land of Israel is?
about 5% as strong as this old Babylonian Jew on Bghdadi land.

And please correct me if I am wrong.. I dare you.


  1. I must say that i have read all your articles and i have enjoyed it.
    It's very refreshing to see that not all Islamic people are brain washed.
    Just to make it clear. There are bad people everywhere in any religion. "We", the sane ones, the ones who see clearly that things should be done by talking and not fighting must spread our way of thinking to everyone and everywhere.
    I just wish that in my lifetime i'll be able to walk freely in any Islamic country and vice versa.
    May God [There is one God for all of us] will bless your work.

  2. Thank you, David, for the worm words.
    I think that I am not the only one who think this way but it's very hard in a society like the one I come from, unlike yours, to express those opinions freely.
    You can see some of the remarks. The hard ones are sent directly to my email.

    I want to tell you something important. You have to understand that Israel is the land of the Jewish people, no matter what anyone tells you.
    Your enemies are easy to detect, just go to Al Jazeera and have it translated, you will be shocked. You have to be careful of those who pretend to be your friends and might lead you to hell.

    You Jews didn't forget Jerusalem for 2000 years. Don't give it up now, when you finally have it.

    May Allah bless your mouth.

  3. misleading article. seems like a zionist mouth piece. you should have supported your claims with proper references.

    according to you "The funny thing is that most Jews are not posing any claim for exclusive ownership on the holy-land". but sorry, the acts of Israelis shows something else. building settlements, denying palestinians to build houses. exclusive quarters in east jerusalem, limiting age and number of people visiting Al-Aqsa, etc and etc point to just one thing, Israel wants to throw muslims out of Holy land.

    on the other hand, care to read about 4 point formula proposed by king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia which is still the official stand of Arab league.. and guess what, Arabs are ready to recognize Israel, it is israelis who just want to conquer lands from jerusalem to medina for Greater Israel.

  4. Hi Aamir,

    I will start with the end since it was ridiculous. It's a complete joke to think that Israel needs to be thankful for some lazy Arab counties that brought nothing to human kind except for oil and terror just because this country will be willing to recognize Israel.
    How about Saudi Arabia will give Mecca to the Jews if Israel will recognize Saudi? Sounds foolish, doesn't it?

    The same thing goes for building what you call Settelments. Those are legal homes of Jews coming back to their homeland of Judea and Samaria. Read the History, there was no other independent country in that region except for the Jewish one. Do you want to tell me that Arabs can't build? You don't know what you are talking about.
    As I write you these lines, a new Palestinian city is being constructed in Samaria, the Jewsih homeland, for Arabs only. No Jews are allowed to build there. See :

    An Arab can't just build a house without the right licenses exactly like a Jew can't. When a Jew builds up an addition to his house or just a new home without the proper license, this house is being demolished. See :

    Muslims are the only ones allowed on the temple mount, Jews are not allowed there even if they are younger than 40 years old so if you really care about discrimination, Fight first for the Jews right to go to the place that is considered the most holy for them.
    The age discrimination that applies against Muslims is only done in rare occasions and that is when there are anticipation to violence. It was well proven that people of the age of 40 has much less motivation to act violently and have more interest in true prayer and religion.

    So please. Get your facts straight.
