Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Organ Harvest from Palestinians- One of the biggest lies!

There was that crazy story about Israel harvesting organs from Palestinian that just died.
The journalist in charge was Mr. Bostrom, a "So Called" Journalist came up with a story according to which the Israeli Army stole body organs from Palestinian bodies.
When asked, Mr. Bostrom provided no evidence what so ever. Instead of apologizing, he actually attacked and said :" This is not my job to provide evidence, I didn't even say that I believe this story". Unbelievable !!

When a soldier or a civilian is being killed in an natural event, such a car accident, work accident of violent death, an autopsy is performed to revel the cause of death.
It's possible that such autopsies were performed in some Palestinian bodies but from there to take organs is a long long road of lies.

A guy comes with an explosive story, that can shake the middle eat and has no evidence at all to support this story except a hearsay from some Palestinian families that had a feeling that it happened 18 years ago?
Come on... Should we expect a little more?

Meanwhile, this story gathers wind and spreads around the Arab world as a complete true. Some added to it that Israel even admitted to do that. Of course, when I asked for some hard evidence, I was answered with waves of nothing.
One of those who spreads this story is Mr. Amer Al Baya on his Facebook page. If you get to talk to him, ask for some evidence. You will see, he will send you some crazy websites about everything else, but no evidence. If he does send anything, Please Send it to me. He wouldn't show me any evidence.

You can find the embarrassing interview that the Swedish "Journalist" gave.

Most of my people would like to silence me, 
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After a long day in which I am asking from MR. Al-Bayya to show a hard evidence for Israel to admit doing such a horrific thing, as he always claimed he had. Or at least to show me a hard evidence to such act, with or without Israel admitting  and all I got from him is question about me, and spam on my wall.
Finally, Yassin, another FaceBook user, stepped up and showed me an article that he believed to carry such evidence.
Later he sent me another article that completely refutes the Ali Baba story told me by Al Jazeera.

I wrote the following back to Yassin:

Hi Yassin,
Thank you for finally sending me something with regards to my argument with Amer. It's much smarted to argue with some sort of educated basis and not just spam each other. Thank you for that too.

I read the whole article. I must say that I I didn't see a hard evidence as required in such case of such a horrible accusation.
The article was brought from an Arabic Media than has an obsession against Israel but still, I would like to treat it fairly.
Mr. Amer said that Israel admitted to kill Palestinians and trade with their organs. Till now I didn't see such Israeli admitting.
In the article there is pretty much a repetition of what the "Journalist" said in the interview which is in my blog. That there is no evidence for that story except for the story of the Palestinian families. This is not a sufficient evidence.
It's actually pretty easy to show one.
When an organ is being transplant there is a whole process of documentation of that organ, the DNA sample is taken, blood type and other identifying items that some of them are very exclusive.
In this case, anyone that wants to prove such accusation need to get a order from court to check those records in the US or in Israel or anywhere else where these alleged stolen organs arrived and match it with the DNA of the dead person. Very simple.
But no one ever proved that. so what do we have here?
A cruel and manipulative lie that turns any human's being guts up side down. but this lie has no basis. That's a pure lie that got you trapped in it too.

But think of the damage that this lie is capable of doing to Israel. Just by having so many people just thinking that this is even possible. Look, you even believed in it.

Another thing.
I know the process of in-plant pretty good. It doesn't matter why now.
In order to get the right organ to someone, a person needs to wait years if he ever get an in-plant ever. it's usually done from someone that dies brain death and not someone who is dead for more than a few minutes not talking about hours that any such stealing event would take.
And then comes the extremely hard process of the individual fitting. Israel would ave had to kill thousands of people in the way described to maybe able to harvest one successful organ. Do you think that this is something any state would have done?
Do you think such an elaborate operation would have been silenced in Israel by the people involved?
If you do, you don't know anything about how Israelis society is built.
I know that you will read all I wrote here and you will use your brains. But people like Amer will just continue with this story and Amer is exactly the Lunatics I talked about in my blog.



  1. There is no hard evidence to disprove this either. Of course no government or individual would openly admit to such a heinous act. However, given Israel's total manipulation and domination of justice (?) and media within their territory and around the world, give me one good reason why anyone should believe this is not true? In view of the justice Rachael Corrie's family has received, the actions taken against the Mavi Marmara and the flotilla victims, the incarceration and torture of Palestinian children, the refusal of admittance of UN observers and Amnesty International and other human rights officials, the systematic genocide of the Palestinian people, among many numerous other examples of Zionist aggression and flagrant disregard for any kind of law or human decency - why should anyone believe Israel? Why?

  2. Your point has exactly the same validity as if one came and said that your mother was a whore. I am sorry to be so explicit but this is as clear as I can get.
    What if someone said that your mother was a known whore but he has no evidence for that and he thinks that it has to be checked again and again and even if it will be proved that she is not fornicating for a fee during the times she is being observed, it doesn't mean that she is not doing it it on other times or that she didn't do it in the past.
    This kind of allegation would have been answered with a defamation lawsuit and the courts will make it very clear that the burden of proof is on the journalist who said that.
    Not only that this so called "Journalist" had no hard evidence but he even admitted not to believe the story himself. What more do you need?
    Horror stories about Israel's alleged war crimes are being told constantly and no one is holding the story tellers accountable.
    The Jennin story as if Israel slaughtered over 50,000 Palestinians during the war against terror during 2001 showed up to be 17 terrorists with guns in their hands dead. No more, no less.
    Did anyone came back to Arafat and asked him why he lied? to any other authority that lied about it?
    They said that the Mavi Marmara peple were not armed but then the pictures of those terrorists holding knives and long rods waiting for the un-armed soldiers to come down.

    The stories about Kafr Kanna in Lebanon in the last war, telling us that Israel aimed and killed tens of thousands and then it appeared to be 50 that dies from a Hezballa missile.
    And one of the most famous ones, Mohammad a-Dura. The Palestinian kid that was murdered by the Palestinians and it was blamed on Israel.
    Who's reliability is in question?
    Would you want to disprove again and again that your mothr is an alleged whore?
