Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ethnic Purity supported by the Israeli left.

 Those of us who are more involved with the struggle in the Jerusalem, are recently being overwhelmed by repeated news coming from the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
Some of these neighborhoods has long well defined Jewish history (Silwan- Today has a Muslim Majority, in the past was known in Hebrew as Kfar Hashiloach, after the springs there that supplied Jerusalem with it's drinking water. The name was later diluted to "Siloan" or Silwan" by the foreign comers that occupied the place), some of these neighborhoods are relatively new but still has history of Jewish presence from before the establishment of Israel (Sheik Jarah- AKA the grave place of Simon Ha-Zadik).

In recent years, Jews started returning to their legally owned and purchased properties in those neighborhood. Some of the Jewish homes were occupied illegal and without paying rent by Arabs that were threatening the legal owners from getting closer their property.
Recently, a well orchestrated racist campaign is being raged against those Jewish residents. This violent campaign is organized logistically by different left wing groups and Anarchist groups while using the local Palestinian as the violent arm.
The Jews will be the organizers of the buses, the cameras, the signs and will orchestrate the media while the Arabs will be those who will carry out the stones throwing, the vandalism, the burning of cars and blocking of roads.

This whole shebang, wouldn't attract my attention at all at the way it did except that this struggle is to not allow Jewish legal owners to use their owed properties in an Arabic neighborhood, and only because they are Jews.

This sickening ethnic cleansing wouldn't have even hold on a week without the Jewish left wing organization complete devotion to it.
Those organization, with a Kazakh enthusiasm are carrying out an all inclusive war on those Jews just to keep these neighborhood Jew-Free. As it was for 40 years after the Arabs (before they identified themselves as Palestinians, back in the 30s, and 40s) violently scared the Jews away from their homes.

I was very curious to understand the Left wing Jewish narrative for this behavior, which promotes an exact opposite idea of what those liberal organizations are trying to make us think they believe in and I was even more bewildered.
I talked to a Jewish activist from those groups, a very articulate lady, that was just unable to explain me how opposing a Jewish presence in what was once a Jewish home goes with her belief that Jews and Arabs can live together in Tel Aviv, A well known Hebrew and Jewish city.
How come the Jews that wants to live in their home, despite the fact that it's in a predominantly Arab neighborhood, is being stoned and attacked while an Arab that decides to by a place in Tel Aviv, Carmiel, Afula or any other Jewish city, should be and is being welcomed?

Please offer me well educated suggestions for my question.

Thank you.


  1. Hi Noam,

    You have to understand that this is not the Palestinian plan.
    You Israelis are either naive or blind. Did you look at the map above? Did you see how much land we have? It's not a territorial conflict as some try to claim. It all started as your survival struggle and it never changed.
    If Arab nations really wanted a just and peaceful solution, you would have seen offers of land exchange where each of the local countries will give some to create the new Palestinian state but did you hear any suggestions on that arena? Of course not. Jordan, Saudi, Egypt and Syria has plenty of empty land but they offer only threats and boycotts.
    You guys better wake up ...

  2. That is rather ironic, a Palestinian telling a Jew to wake up and keep a claim on their land! :)
    But you are dead right Farhan. The whole conflict is a spiritual/cultural clash and goes much deeper than a squabble about land. To understand the on-going problem you have to go right back to the Bible to see how it all started...even why there's so much anti-semetism in the world today.
    Many Jews who have little knowledge or respect for their roots and history will not understand their heritage and fight for it. They are trying to make concessions whilst harming themselves. (look at the withdrawal from Gaza - a bad mistake) In many ways they're in-between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to survive but trying to keep the worlds opinions on their side. It just isn't gonna work. The Arabs have been given chance after chance to have peace and deals with Israel. They have refused each time. This is because their true agenda is not land but rather getting rid of all Jews. This is a spiritual battle being fought about Israel.

    Be strong Israel and know that you are in the right, the land belongs to you, you have every right to build on it and claim Jerusalem as your rightful and exclusive capital.

  3. Well as u seen here.. there are lots of jewish that believe that by being really really "left" - they will be recognize as jewish without any need to face antisemitism.. the Israeli leftist think there is a connection between the arab-israeli conflict to their situation in the world (hate toward jews..), but it's wrong.. just before months ago an greek priest blame the jews for all the finance problems in his country...

  4. This is so true.
    Anti Zionism is only a new version of Antisemitism. It's more acceptable and "justified" since you can have pictures of Jew in power and this is unheard of.
    When Jews were walked to the chambers in Trablinka, there were those who said that it's best not to resist. Most truly believed that this was the right way to go.
