Saturday, March 12, 2011

As a Palestinian, I am ASHAMED. Sorry.

I just read on the news that under the cover of dark, 5 civilians, member of one Jewish family were stubbed to death in their sleep by terrorists, most likely Palestinians from the west bank. 
Parents and three of their kids, 11, 3 and a young baby. What could the babies have done to make that animal stub their little bodies and watch them loosing their life?

I know that some of my people will celebrate this event as heroism but I can't understand this sick action being praised.

Think of the long moments in which the stabber while holding his knife in his hand looks at a little baby's face. The baby is in her dead father's hand and then he decided to stab the baby to death. How can you not get sick from it?

Show me one Israeli doing something even remotely close to that, show me that that Israeli was perceived as a hero. Please, I am challenging anyone that can come with one example.

I know that a lot of my readers are, like myself, people of peace. That we want to see Palestinians living their life normally and with no checkpoints in each city but what do we say now if Israel will put those checkpoints? Can we blame Israel?

I wanted to use this platform, to send my true condolences to the family, to the Jewish People and to Israel for this senseless, hateful crime.

The Hamas in Gaza and ordinary civilians were celebrating this event by giving away candy to by passers. This is not human beings.

I hope that the responsible will be caught of die soon.

I am sorry.

Please share your thought and your condolences on this page too.


  1. do not say sorry ! thats nothing.


    DO NOT TALK - DO !

    fight them until the last of those beast !

  2. Only with people like you we can make Peace. But knowing my neighbours, you put yourself into a dangerous siituation. Some fanatic may even want to add you to the list of people killed for their opinion or for just being Jewish or black or white or whatever.

    I live in [west] Jerusalem since my first day in this world. My parents had a Palestinian ID card, issued by the British ruler.

    Palestine is an ancient name for this country. There never was a "Palestinian People". But there really was a Jewish kingdom and millions of Jews lived here for hundreds of years. There ALWAYS were Jews living in this place. A new research claims that many of the "arabs" in Palestine are actually Jews converted to Islam by force of invaders.

    Be brave!

  3. Keep doing what you just started and our world will be a better place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am so thankful when I see Palestinians like you Farhan who have had their eyes opened...and especially when they are trying to show the truth to their brother.

    It seems like those who live in the "bubble" of the ME are so entrenched in their own ideas and will never see another side till they leave their country.

    When I hear about this savage and senseless attack I feel real anger inside. I can only say that these murderers will get their dues one day - and it won't be any virgins!

  5. Farhan, I'm sorry, but I can neither take you nor your blog seriously.

    You mark the Arabic countries in comparison to Israel to stress the size or amount of countries:

    A. Not all Arabs are Muslims and vice versa.
    B. Most Muslims live in South... East Asia.
    C. The comparison is not only indicating ignorance an stupidity but also a major lack of knowledge and argumentative methods as there are about 13 million Jews and 1,3 billion Muslims.

    We are not talking about who deserves more or less land- Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Israelis.

    I assume you are talking about the "rights" of Jewish people to live within Palestinian country and call it Israel.
    I highly advice you to talk to to Jews in the U.S., Orthodox, Palestinians and people who have studied this conflict for many years.. There is a distinction of Israel as a land of WWII Jews that have violently occupied this land or the religious aspect of a country of Palestinian people (Jews,Muslims& Christians) . Most Jews abroad refuse to accept Israel as their country because the Thora says that there will be a maschiach that will give the land to the Jewish people an this maschiach still hasn't returned. Regarding the fact that this land was stolen and based on the Holy Thora, the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran the people of Israel are the Orthodox Jews that have burned their Passports and emigrated abroad for not having to live in a stolen country.

    Ps: You are describing ONE case within the Jewish community...I am sorry about the loss of about 124 Israeli children that got killed since 2000, but I am also sorry about the 2157 Palestinian children that got killed since 2000 and still die on a daily basis!

    If you have visited Israel and Palestine, you will quickly decide which "side" to support and stand by- for very certain reasons.

    Gidion Levy, Norman Finkelstein, Eden Lutz and many more, well-known Jewish and Israeli Polticians/Journalists/Activists have said that the Palestinian people are probably the most peaceful, and less violent people in the world...

    When you describe a case where the Jewish community was suffering or have lost within a fight than you need to 1. Always doubt the sources as it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for Palestinians to cross the borders. If they try, they ll get shot immediately. 2. Double-check the news- talk to people from Israel and Palestine and ask what their media reports. 3. Visit !

    PPS: Your described a case that is quite common in Palestinian Territory. Again, do your research correctly. Thank you.

  6. " Farhan Harouf said...
    Who are the beasts? "

    do u realy need to think hard who are the beasts ? the babys on their bad or the killer in their sleep ?

    think hard - someday you will know.


  7. Unfortunately, there are those who will say the same thing about the Jews that live in Atamar. A settlement in the west bank. I strongly disagree with them but I am aware of that opinion. I wasn't sure who you meant.
    Again, I am sorry for what happened and I am hopeful that the beasts that did that will be caught and never released.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. answer your post.

    A. Most Arabs in all Arab countries are Muslims
    B. There are many Muslims who live in Indonesia and other countries not in the Middle East (what has that got to do with anything anyway?)
    C. Don't bring out words like ignorance and stupidity when it's obvious that Farhan has done much research and can back up his comments. It's also obvious that what he says is correct.... the Muslim world should be happy with the land they already have which can easily fit their billions into...the Jewish people need a land they can call their own - one little area they can feel safe in. Even this is being denied to them by anti-semetics, people who just hate the Jews for no real reason.

    There are only a small percentage of Orthodox and Leftist Jews who deny their Homeland. Most of them are strongly and emotionally tied to the land of Israel and rightly so. This is the land with a very long and written history of their ancestors. Many make aliyah from other countries knowing they have returned at last to their own country. The State of Israel today is a legitimate State and doubly so. No other group of people has a more legitimate claim to this land throughout history nor more archeological or written history of their living there. The land was certainly not stolen nor 'violently occupied'. This is just rubbish to say such a thing.

    Yes, I have visited Israel and surrounding countries. I strongly support Israel to keep and defend their land and people. If the surrounding 'Palestinian' people want to keep firing rockets into Israel and provoking them and killing innocent people, then anyone with any common sense can see they are just asking for trouble, it is their own fault if they are attacked. I put the full blame of the deaths of the Gaza people on the shoulders of Hamas. Israel was doing no more than targeting Hamas to rid itself of the constant barrage of rockets. If Hamas chooses to hide itself amongst it's civilians then they are the ones to be blamed for the deaths of women and children. The IDF went out of it's way to avoid killing those not associated with Hamas.

    I would say very strongly to you, whoever you are, to check your sources and stop believing the biases and lies you are hearing and start to see the other side.

  10. Killed 5 civilians, member of one Jewish family were stubbed to death in their sleep THATS UNACCEPTABLE and INHUMAN !!!!!But why those Palestinians kids murderers sneak around in a Israeli colonies built illegally and condemned by the UN. While this colony was took by force from poor Palestinian. SO why ThIS FAMILY been murdered in a place that shouldn't belong to them from the beginning. KILLING innocent Civilians that's cruel immoral but also stealing people lands thats also immoral and cruel......

  11. There should be no "BUT". We have to denounce it as one with no "Buts". Any "But" on this issue is a disgrace to the "Butter"'s humanity claims.

    But since you came up with this "But", I have just one question for you.

    On who's land does Itamar (The settlement you called colony to) is built on? what was the name of village "taken".
    I'll give you an advice, stay in your anonymousness, it will keep your honor since the facts will shatter your claims.
