Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Summery of Conflict- Easy to understand. السلام في الشرق الأوسط

Simple, short and to the point.
The conflict in the Middle East.

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The Arab Israeli Conflict
الصراع الإسرائيلي العربي
Arabies-Israeliese konflik
konfliktin arabo-izraelit
Արաբ իսրայելական հակամարտությունը
Ərəb İsrail münaqişəsi
Arabiar israeldarren gatazkari
Арабскага канфлікту ізраільскія
Арабски израелския конфликт
Conflicte àrab israelià
Sukob Arapski izraelski
Arab izraelský konflikt
Den arabiske israelske konflikt
De Arabische Israëlisch conflict
Araabia Iisraeli konflikti
Ang Arab Salungat Israeli
Arabimaiden Israelin välisen konfliktin
Le conflit israélo-arabe
O conflito israelo árabe
არაბთა ისრაელის კონფლიქტის
Die arabisch-israelischen Konflikt
Οι αραβικές σύγκρουση Ισραήλ
Arab Izraelyen konfli a
הסכסוך הערבי ישראלי
अरब इजरायल संघर्ष
Az arab izraeli konfliktus


  1. Robin Rosenblatt via IsraelNationalNews: We need to control the dry shrub growth in the Galilee. That is the purpose of the Israel Longhorn Project. To bring Texas Longhron cattle to Israel to eat the shrubs in the Galilee to help reduce the fire risk. http://longorn-project.org/

    Dramatic Video Of Worst Fire Disaster In Israel History
    Dramatic video of Israel fighting worst fires in history, at least 40 killed - The worst forest fire in Israel's history on Thursday devastated one of the country's few forested areas, killing at least 36 guards on their way to rescue inmates at a prison in the fire zone, destroying homes and forcing people out

  2. Update.

    Total casualties in this horrible fire were 44 with some half a dozen critically wounded. Arabs, Jews, People who tried to fight the fire with no regards to their national origin.
    It was very heart worming to see Arabs, Palestinians and even the Turks joining forces and helping fight this fire.
