Saturday, November 6, 2010

What others see in the prophet (MPBUH)

I must open and say that I find some of what is said about the prophet (mpbuh) in this website very disturbing I believe that this is just a wrong judgement passed on a person who lived 1,300 years ago in todays standards.

The thing is that this website is out there, whether we like it or not and ignoring it will not solve anything.
Please tell me your opinion in the comments. 

Most of my people would like to silence me, 
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  1. Thank you dear. Looking forward for your analyse and opinions.

  2. I wonder something Farhan. How do you see him yourself? And do you have some solutions to today's problems?

    My solutions to the integration problems in The West are (and maybe you're not going to like it):
    - Muslims (men and women) should be free in choosing their own partners, no matter race, religion etc.
    - Muslims should be free in choosing what they wish to believe or not to believe and should be free and speak up openly to condemn their own brothers and sisters if these brothers or sisters committed a crime against humanity (and not always look at what the christians did or still do, or the hindus or the jews etc.)

    But please keep on posting these kind of blogs, thank you very much :)

  3. Dear Sir.
    Thank you for your post. I have very little encounter with Europeans and your opinion as one is very interesting to me.

    I am trying to clean the Prophet's (mpbuh) carcture from all the "perfect" images that some add to him and try to see him as the father of the nation I come from.
    He is not pure of mistakes and not one that succeed in everything he did. There are even very clear remarks on that on the holly Quran in Surat al Amran.
    But that's what I think, doesn't really matter.
    As for the solution, we first have to identify the problem. Ignoring the problem or trying to beautify it as well as using a political correctness in any discussion with Muslims not only will not solve the problem but rather will create more conditions for the problem to grow and will make some irreversible changes in the European society ad we knew it 20 years ago.

    The problem is when a guest is coming into your home, decides that his "Guest" status is not enough and starts to modify your home and the rules you used to live by for centuries.
    When a Muslim Family was allowed to the Netherlands, 30 years ago, it was an attempt on the Dutch society to accept other ethnicities, help a fellow member of humanity and get some needed help in building the Netherlands.
    No Dutch resident planned on changing the landscape of the cities, change the way woman are being treated, change the approach to Gay and other religions and so on.

    The values that you see Muslims trying to enforce on European cities today are the conservatives values that those Muslims grew up on and they are now trying to import them into their new habitant.
    I will not criticize the conservative Muslim way of life here, but I will bring up the fact that as Muslims, we are guest in non-Muslim countries and we have to either take part of the culture we are living in or at the least, not to try and change it.
    If you move to live in Dubai, you will be very firmly suggested not to behave there as a westerner, even thought most of Dubai is not even Dubaiese, but foreigners.
    It used to be a normal thing to slowly infiltrate into a new society and slowly but surely convert the local residents and through that take over that country. See for example all the far east Muslim countries.
    But this is not the right way.
    You want to live in a Conservative Muslim society, maybe you shouldn't live in liberal Amsterdam. There is a price to everything.
    A lot of Muslims, like myself believe in the say :"Live and let live" but the conservatives are those who ruin it all for the rest of us.

    I think it's all about the education and media that my Muslim brothers are exposed to.
    If you watch Al Jazeera, you will almost find Ghubels(Hitler's propaganda's minister) there with the hate and obsession against Jews and Israel.
    You can read my blog here about "Did Hitler really killed Jews" because for me and you, educated people the answer is clear. but not for most Arabs. Even Wikipedia in contaminated with that doctrine when it is written in Arabic.
    We are taught from birth that the Kufr (The non-believers) are doomed. and unlike today's Christianity, Islam is a major factor in a the Muslim life and decision making.

    I believe that there is a real struggle these days, not only between Muslim and the West world but also between Moderate Muslims and the conservative Muslims.

    Every concession that the Western world is doing towards the conservative Muslims is painful to people like me and will cost greatly to Europe in the seen future.
    Thank you for participating in my blog. I am trying to post new material all the time and will always let anyone with any opinion to express his thoughts even if those bothered me or I disagree with them. My way is peaceful and therefore I can't shut other people's mouth but rather prefer to try and cope with differences.

    Please forward this blog to your friends, more opiions are very welcome.
