Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is Boycott on Israel a real option? Let's be serious.

I think that before we make those brave big giant talks about boycotting this country, we have to find alternatives to all it's products.
It will look really hypocritical if we only boycotted what is comfortable for us.

Meanwhile, let's try to do something productive and to make other people in the world adore us rather than be afraid of our terror and culture.

I was looking for some Arab contribution to the world and all I found was this clip...

The following clip will illustrate what will happen if we decide to just boycott Israel.

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  1. this clip is full of outright lies! boycotting Israel is not a boycot of Jews. There are laptops without intel chips which work just fine. Get the Einstein Bagels logo off of this, they have nothing to do with Israel! Arabs can do fine without drinking Coke. The list goes on. what utter nonsense!

  2. You know that I can easily tell with which operating system you are using after you comment here.
    Are you sure you could comment without Israeli technology?
    Seems like this bothered you a lot. Please feel free to boycott Israel or Jews as much as you want. You can enjoy the inventions of the Arab world. I am sure you will be fine.
    Call me when you managed to lit fire with stones.

  3. At anonymous: don't you realise that many arabic and muslim leaders buy weapons of the Evil West + Israel. Both worlds are playing games with us, preparing their people to fight in a new big war, called World War III.

  4. Actually i'm western (written 25 november 00:08) and i think only the leaders are to blame. The people always suffer because of the actions of them. Who doesn't want peace? For peace we need understanding for each other. I'm not responsible for the actions of my prime minister or of my ancestors.

    There's something weird going on in the world, the rich countries, which happen to be western give a lot of money for charity. But what happens with that money? Well in some areas in the world it ends up in the wrong hands and they (= warlords e.g.) buy weapons from America, Europe, Russia, Israel etc. So the money goes back into our hands. But at the same time people have started to realize this and don't want to give money to countries which have a dictator as a leader or a government who is corrupt.

    The problem is that many Muslims see the West as Christian (in the West everyone is Christian in their eyes), because over there religion and state isn't divided. These Muslims are probably thinking: What the hell are these Christians doing? They preach about love, peach and freedom and what do they bring to us, the opposite: War, death and destruction. What they don't know is that "Love, peace and freedom" has a price, many died for this in order to achieve this. So it would be better if the persons who want to flee the country stay in their country and fight for it, so the Americans, Europeans etc. don't have come under the NATO flag and fight for them. Follow the example of the Europeans during World War I and World War II. Most of them stayed.

  5. Hi,
    I still can't find myself agreeing with your conspiracy theory. The western world is being very generous with it's humanitarian and economic aid to third world countries but not in order to get the money back in the back door by selling weapons. This is unheard of.
    It's true that most of the weapons come from the west and the reason is that the west has better weapons. If bows and arrows would have been the weapons of the 21st century, you would have the Africans to blame for the distribution of that deadly weapon.
    Also, any first year economist will tell you that it's unproductive to destroy the market that you want to sell your goods to. How can the west control the money that is coming in from weapon sales? this doesn't make sense.

    I am sorry to distrust your theory about the "confused Muslims" but the Muslims that you see demonstrating against the west are not confused at all. They think they know exactly what is rights for you for me, for their wives. Everything is very clear to them and all is coming from their spiritual leaders who will "explain" them the Qur'an.
    You are a western Kuffr (Infidel) and you need to convert to Islam or else...
    I am a Muslim who don't want to follow their stupid preaches and therefore I am a Ha-en. Traitor, and I need to be slaughtered.
    Of course that this kind of preaching is wrong and the Imams are taking advantage on the weakest and the most stupid of my people. Those Imams are flourishing in decadent and ignorant society. Critisizm has no place.

    My anonymous friend, The west is not perfect but you must not blame the west for the backwardness of most Imams today and how they use verses from the Qur'an and the ignorance of Muslims to promote their hate and war.

  6. I know now that not only the West looks at the Middle East but also China, India, Russia. They feel constantly threatened by the Muslims. They might not like the USA, but see Islam as a threat too. Is Islam destroying itself?

  7. yes Farhan, the video did bother me, lies & distortion of the truth always do. I have no problem with Jewish people, just the evil gov't of israel & it's policies. btw I'm keeping nice & warm here with my electric heater, or should I bow down to the israelis for discovering electricity too! oops! got to go tie down my camel before she gets loose.

  8. I believe that it's a pivotal moment for Muslims. Islam as being presented very effectively these days but most Imams is defiantly destroying itself. I think you made a very accurate statement. I don't know what are your beliefs but let's say that you are a Christian and all you hear from your Christian leaders is how Christians needs to unite and destroy all other religions, kill the infidels and force Christianity on all with the force of terror and threats. How would you feel as a Christian who loves Jesus and his message of peace?
    Wouldn't you feel that someone had kidnapped your religion? that someone is taking it down the drain?

  9. To the disturbed Anonymous:
    By the way, it will be better if you could just take a pseudo name since there are so many anonymouses.

    You can joke about it as much as you want. I am an Arab and it's not funny to me. I find it very disturbing that all we represent today is hate and terror. No matter how politically correct you want to be, this is how we are being presented by ridiculously stupid and ignorant clerics. It bothers me a lot.
    What did we give to the world? Why are we not being a little more modest?
